Super Group’s ESG Philosophy

Super Group believes that financial results are not the sole measure of organisational success and that corporations must demonstrate their commitment to the countries, regions and communities in which they operate. Fundamentally, shared value creation must encompass economic, environmental and social dimensions.

We are committed to the creation of value for all stakeholders – whether in relation to our operational and financial performance, or the protection of our natural environment.

Super Group is committed to meeting the needs of a broad range of stakeholders that include customers, employees, suppliers, communities and shareholders. These partners rightly expect responsible behaviour and the assurance that operations are conducted effectively, profitably and sustainably. Super Group takes this responsibility seriously and strives to integrate environmental, social and governance perspectives into all strategies, business models, processes, policies and systems.

The Super Group philosophy is based on the understanding that people, planet and prosperity are interconnected and we believe that an integrated approach is fundamental to developing and maintaining a competitive advantage. Strong governance, robust risk and a compliance framework builds resilience and ensures legitimacy. Creating and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment drives productivity and efficiency. Managing environmental impact ensures that customers and communities are well served into the future.